Sunday, February 15, 2009

How the Mighty Have Fallen

First of all, let me say it's not my fault.

We had an agreement.

It's not my fault.

Missy joined Facebook a year or two ago innocently enough because my cousin Tyler had a picture on his Facebook that she wanted to see. However, the only way to see it was to join Facebook. Little did she know that joining this online "social networking site" would open her up to the world's biggest high school/college/junior high/elementary school/hey didn't I stand behind you in line at the grocery store once reunion. I would come in to our office/guest room/occasionally movie room/Riley's 6th room to store toys in and there she would be checking out what her friend from recess in second grade was now doing. I, naturally, ridiculed her mercilessly. I ridiculed Facebook. I ridiculed every person who was on Facebook because they were joining all the junior high girls of the world and they probably loved the Jonas Brothers. My ridiculing caused more than one "spirited conversation" between Missy and I.

The problem was Facebook actually was kind of appealing. I would find myself standing over Missy's shoulder and asking her what so and so was doing. And asking her to show me what this person posted on her wall. And MY friends started joining at a feverish pace. I would see Missy was now friends with my old college roommate and a guy in my wedding (or three) and I would think "THEY joined Facebook too?".

I had to do something. I needed to find a fellow voice of reason. A beacon of light in the Facebook tempest that was consuming every person I knew. Plus I had ridiculed the people on it so much, I needed help in staying strong and not succumbing to the mounting peer pressure to join. (Literally, EVERYONE is doing it)

So I went to my friend Grant. We were in each other's wedding. We had gone on vacation together. I love Grant. And Grant is a lot like me. So I called him and we talked about how much Facebook sucks and how everyone who does it is a loser. And we promised each other that we would NEVER join Facebook.

Fast forward a few months to February 13th, email is forwarded to me from Missy....


--- On Fri, 2/13/09, Facebook wrote:
From: Facebook
Subject: Grant added you as a friend on Facebook...
To: "Missy"
Date: Friday, February 13, 2009, 1:24 AM
"Grant added you as a friend on Facebook. We need to confirm that you know Grant
in order for you to be friends on Facebook."

And suddenly, my world came crashing down around me. It was over. My dream of a Facebook-less world was destroyed.

So two days later, I, Jon Ryan Delp, being of somewhat sound mind and body joined the revolution. I am now a member of Facebook.

After inviting Missy to be my friend (I hope she accepts), there was only one person who I could invite next.


So I am in. Feel free to invite me to be your friend. Post on my wall. There is probably other stuff that can be done (did I see something about planting a flower or something?) that I will figure out. I am jumping in. I can't wait to see what my square dancing partner from 8th grade is up to.

Oh and Nick Jonas is dreamy.

1 comment:

D Fam said...


I'M SORRY! I already regret what I've done but there's no turning back now...

In my defense, you asked me last year if I would consider it and I said no (maybe I even talked you out of it). I recall telling you to tell Missy she's nerdy. Sorry Missy, you're a trendsetter. Gotta go, someone just wrote on my wall.