Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Economy

"I read the news today, oh boy" - The Beatles, "A Day in the Life"

I have heard about economic woes in the past. I remember back in high school, we were in a "recession". I really didn't know what it meant other than it took up most of the evening news. That and O.J. And now that I am older, employed, paying taxes, saving for retirement and have friends doing the same, we are once again in a recession. And for the first time, I am seeing its effects firsthand. I have had a number of clients lose their job and struggle to make their insurance payments. Self employed contractors, single moms, husbands with a wife and kids, everyone.

Also, my retirement funds dropped 40% last year. To me, that is an incredible number. I have never seen an investment statement at the end of the year with a lower number than when I started the year. Much less that big a drop. That number would be even more staggering if I was 65 and staring retirement right in the face. As it is, I have a year or two (or 30) to make that up.

However, what has really struck me is seeing some of my friends lose their jobs. A few lost them just before Christmas (goodbye Christmas bonus). A few lost them at the first of the year. Some were prepared for it. Some were not. Some have since gotten other jobs. Most have not. To see a recession, which for the vast majority of my life existed only in news stories on TV, hit so close to home has really struck me.

It is has hit me in one positive way. First, my mind has gone a long way from: "Why can't we have a house or a car like those people?" Or "Why can't I buy myself a new driver?" To "Thank You God that I have a job."

Despite the poor economic situation we find our country in, despite peoples' reluctance (and/or inability) to spend money on just about anything, two weeks ago, my brother in law stepped away from his 9-5 job and steady paycheck and into ministry. And raising support. (the Dow was down 148 points that day)

There are people out there like that guy on MSNBC who yells and throws things and gives me a headache who would say that this is not the right time to go into ministry. People are not willing or able to give money to anything but bills. My brother in law should have waited until the economy was on the upturn and people had more money to give. However....

God would say that my brother in law's timing is PERFECT. God doesn't think like that guy on MSNBC (if He did, I would become an atheist). Actually God and humans think the opposite most of the time. That is why God is God. And we are not.

My brother in law walked through the doors of his job and out into faith. He is going to see and show how tremendously God provides. People don't have money but still they will give. God provides for all of us and our job is to provide for others. Even if it hurts.

God has never really made it easy on us. Why should He? What have we done to deserve four star treatment? More to the point, why would He? He wants us to trust Him. He wants us to show us what He, and we, are capable of. To do that, we must step out in faith. Even in a recession.

If you want to see the church plant, my brother in law is a part of, here is the link.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you didn't mention that your brother-in-law did all of this with your sister following right on his heels. :) scary as all you-know-what?? yes... but if we weren't doing this, we know we'd be out of God's will for us and that would be scarier.

thanks for backing us up. we love you.