Sunday, March 16, 2008

Happy Birthday to Mii

So what do you get a (now) 31 year old husband, homeowner and father of one? A Nintendo Wii, of course! I have been asking for one since this summer when I played one with my college friends in Colorado. They are a blast and the nice thing is that it is actually "fun for all ages". To prove my point, I got my Wii (which are harder to find than the Ark of the Covenant) last Saturday. We promptly hooked it up and my parents - neither of which are video game people - battled in both tennis and bowling and had a blast. Missy and I have had a few battles this week. So far, I have been the master of tennis. We have split (no pun intended) in bowling. She had about 12 strikes in the last game. I had no chance.

One other cool thing is that you can create characters that sort of resemble you. Here is me (at my Saturday morning best) next to my Mii (the name of the Wii character).

If you are ever in the area, please come on by. I will gladly accept your challenge in Wii. I must warn you. I am deadly with my tennis serve......


Unknown said...

I love, love, love my wii. I got it for Mother's Day last year. I am a professional at tennis, thank you very much, but my 5 year old son can kick my butt at boxing. I wish I were joking...

Anonymous said...

You're also pretty cruel at the boxing game, if I remember correctly.