Tuesday, February 05, 2008

A Beacon of Light....

What better way to get back at it after a month than with a little post about a ray of hope in a dark place. With this writer's strike, we have entered into a cest pool of TV. However, through the vast wasteland of reality crap is a ray of light - a beacon - a little show I like to call, "Lost".

This show came back on this past week after what I thought was a year but was actually about 6 months. I looked forward to it like a kid waiting for Christmas. I realize that this sounds kind of pathetic and maybe in the grand scheme of things it is but this show is unlike any other I have ever seen before. I didn't start watching this show when it came out. I actually got interested after seeing promos on TV (yes, I fell victim to the marketing machine) and discussions I heard on morning radio shows. I willfully got myself addicted and roped Missy in as well - after season 2 wrapped up. Missy and I (this was BR - Before Riley) borrowed Season 1 from a friend (and fellow addict) and shotgunned the shows 3 or 4 at a shot. Within a week or two, we had Season 1 down and were official addicts of the show. We watched Season 2 at our friends house once a week (usually a few episodes at a time) until Season 3 kicked off. When Season 3 ended last May, we painfully waited 6+ months for Season 4 to start.

And apparently we weren't alone. In the last week, I have talked to no less than 15 people about the show - at church, at work, at a Super Bowl party, over email, in a public restroom. Yes, the show is THAT good. It is also ridiculously complicated.

If you are ever in a conversation with someone about the show and there is another person there who has never seen the show, they have an expression on their face that is similar to how my grandmother would look if I tried explaining TiVo to her. It is sort of a pained/confused/overwhelmed look. If you watch the show, try it. Talk to someone else about the show and make sure someone else who doesn't watch it is in on the conversation. Say something like, "If the people on the freighter weren't sent by Penny then who are they and how did they find the island and how does Ben know that they are bad? Do you think they were part of the Others and broke off or do you think they might be a new group from the Dharma Initiative?" That should do the trick.

If you watch the show, please feel free to post anytime about the show. I would love to talk about it with you and find new addic.......I mean fan. If you don't watch the show and have several hours to kill - uninterupted - this is not the kind of show you can watch with distractions - we have a no talking rule when we watch it - rent or borrow Seasons 1 - 3 and take a few weeks and watch them. Once you are finished go onto ABC.com and watch the episodes from this season online. I promise you will not regret it.
There is NOTHING on TV right now and it doesn't look like the writer's strike is close to over. This is the best thing on. I promise once you start watching, you too will get Lost.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Death to Jack