Monday, October 08, 2007

A Thank You Long Overdue

This may set a record for longest delay in commenting on a prior event but it has been on my heart for months. Back in July, I got together with a group of my dearest friends in Colorado. We all went to college together and by God's grace, despite living (well some of us, myself included) hundreds or thousands of miles apart and beginning new lives beyond college, still maintain some semblence of contact with each other whether it be through blogs, fantasy sports, email, phone calls and the occasional fast. From my informal surveys, this connection, particularly with this large a number of guys (it is somewhere in the neighborhood of 15 guys) is unusual. What is even more unusual is that on a pretty much yearly basis, we try and make a point to meet somewhere for a long weekend. And while most of the weekend consists of reliving old college memories, playing poker and Halo (yes the original one - we're old), there are still precious times of connecting on that deep level. It is like we are sitting in someone's dorm room, it is a Tuesday morning, 2 a.m., and we have an exam in 6 hours but haven't started studying because we are engaged in a great conversation about how girls can break our hearts. The difference, of course, is that we now have jobs, families, less hair, more weight and more bills.

But for one weekend, you would never know (other than the steady stream of guys walking around outside on their cell phones talking to their wives). For the years I am able to go, like this year, it is one my most treasured times. For me, a communications major, I cannot put into words what this time means to me. I wish I could bottle those moments and take them with me. Perhaps that is the beauty of it, though. I can't. Those moments are self contained reminders that God loved me so much that he gave me friends that I would die for though I only see them once a year if I am lucky.

So for you guys, I thank you - way late. Thank you for making me laugh. Thank you for challenging me. Thank you for making me feel like I am half good at Halo. Thank you for loving me and allowing me to be your friend. It is one of the greatest gifts I could ever have.

And where are we getting together next year??

1 comment:

Morley S said...

It's a privelege.