Tuesday, October 02, 2007

1 year.....and change

After looking at past blog posts, I noticed that I made my first contribution to this blog on September 20th, 2006. I remember the moment very vividly. I had no idea what I was doing. I didn't know how to add fancy links and show the world what my favorite books were. Hence the rather bland look of this blog, which I have never bothered to fix. Maybe one day. I just wanted to let the world (who am I kidding, I know like three people read this but even those three make me excited to post) read my thoughts both humorous and serious.

In looking over the past year, the one thing that stands out is the irregularity in which I wrote. I had dreams of posting every day or at worst every week. However, I would go weeks and in some cases months in between posts. Granted, in there I became a father and for one long painful stretch we were without internet. However, if my goal is to post my thoughts, going a month or two just isn't acceptable.

So I guess my 1 year anniversary resolution is to post more often. Now that Riley and the computer don't share a room, hopefully that will make it easier. So as a reader, please keep me accountable. If I haven't written in a while, please feel free to post (I do check for posts pretty much every day) and tell me to get off my not so fat butt and type a line or two.

Also, after one year, I am very proud to announce that I am no longer the only blogger in the Delp family. Missy and I talked about starting a blog that keeps people updated on what is going on with our family. Many of our friends have family blogs and we LOVE checking them and keeping up to date on what is going on in their lives.

So (drumroll please) ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to introduce


to the world of blogging. Missy will be posting regularly (with possible special guest contributions from world renowned blogger: me) and keeping the world apprised of the goings on of the Delp clan. She took the time to make the blog look cool so I could probably take a page out of her book to make mine look the slightest bit interesting. We'll see.

So for all of you who have read my blog at some point over the past year, thank you. I love the fact that I have friends all over the country who read and post on my blog. Please continue to do so.

So here's to Year 2 of dryinrain. May it be full of honesty, humor and most importantly pictures of Riley.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're welcome. Although I'm only down the street which doesn't technically count for "all around the country". but i read it...i laugh...i'm a fan.