Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Comments Anyone???

In my continuing education of blogging, I realized that I had set the comment page to "Only allow Blogger members to comment". Since I am not an elitist, I want anyone to tell me how much they love (or hate) my posts, I switched it. So now anyone can comment and PLEASE, I hope you do.

I'm sorry for not realizing and making this switch earlier. I was starting to develop a complex because no one was commenting. Now I know that I am just an ignorant idiot. What a relief!

Happy commenting everyone.

Also, thanks for your emails about the blog. They have been very encouraging. Please keep them coming. If you have any ideas of things I could write about or if you have any issues with what I write, please don't hesitate to let me know.

Love you all.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm SOOO impressed!! I actually look forward every week to checking to see if you have a new article!! I still think you could do syndicate your "spare" time!!! Keep it up!!


Anonymous said...

I've already translated your blog into Spanish. Folks in Uruguay are loving it! You'll have to come on down and for a publicity tour.

Anonymous said...

I've tried to comment in the past, but didn't want to sign here you go. I'll be sure to continue to do so. Congrats on the boy. You both will be GREAT parents.