Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Celebrity in Me

Ever since I was 13, people have been told that I look like someone famous. I went on a missions trip to Kentucky and worked with kids at a camp down there. A couple of the kids thought I looked like Doogie Howser (Neil Patrick Harris) from the show "Doogie Howser M.D.". They called me "Doogie" all week - which was AWESOME (or should I say radically gnarly). I never really saw it. As I got older, I guess I could kind of see it. Of course, now that Neil Patrick Harris has "come out of the closet" (what happened to Wanda???) I have distanced myself from any similarities that we may have had.

A couple years after that, when I was in high school, people told me that I looked (and more specifically acted) like Chandler Bing (Matthew Perry) from the show "Friends". Of course, there were a few years in there where unfortunately he was recovering from a drug addiction and he was much heavier. That was when our similarities ended. I have never been overweight in my life. The ironic thing is that on the show Chandler marries Monica (Courtney Cox). Missy is a huge Friends fan as are a number of, friends. They all agree that Missy is very much like Monica, except for the fact that Monica is tall and has black hair and Missy is more on the short side and has blond hair. Other than that, they are identical twins.

Most recently, I have been told that I look like a guy by the name of Eric Close from the show "Without a Trace". He plays a cop named Martin Fitzgerald. (I would include a picture of him but blogger is being stupid) I have never personally watched the show. However, one of my friends' parents have watched it since it started and they told me a few years ago that that every time they would turn it on, they would say, "Well, it's time to watch Ryan's show." Missy says she really sees it and every time there is a commercial on for "Without a Trace", she says, "Hey, it's you!"

However, I discovered the true way to determine what celebrity I look like several months ago. Missy and I were watching the intellectually challenging show, "Best Week Ever" on VH1. It is basically a bunch of 2nd & 3rd tier comedians who rip on whatever or whomever was in the news that week. Well, they were talking about a website called Basically, you log on, create a free account and take a picture of yourself and it will analyze the picture and tell you based on this mysterious analytical algorythm what celebrities you most look like. Well Missy and I tried it and it truly is incredible to see who you look like. I have attached a link at the top that gives you a collage of who, using the picture at the top of my blog, this website says I most look like. Just click on "The Celebrity in Me" and enjoy.

So, please get a picture of yourself (preferably one that is a pretty close up shot where you are looking directly into the camera) from your computer and head over to Try the face recognition program. Once and for all you will be able to see exactly what famous person you look like. I promise you will not be disappointed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always thought you looked more like Mother Theresa than Chandler Bing but I didn't know how to tell you. I'm glad took care of it for me.
You should try posting an ultrasound picture of "Alfie" on myheritage and see who they say he looks like!! Just a thought...