Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Mel's Wedding

What a whirlwind last few weeks. Let me tell you about it:

My sister in law Mel, who I consider my second little sister (though she is almost as tall as I am) got married to Mr. Scott Barrett a few weeks ago - 10-4 to be exact. We were very excited to pack up and head out to the wedding in Michigan.

From what I have heard, read and seen in pictures it was an unbelievable wedding. Some said it was the best wedding they had ever been to. I mean, how couldn't it be? (By the way, you can check out pictures of the wedding at the family blog - delppartyofthree.blogspot.com) You had a God-centered service surrounding two beautiful people with a great love story. You had a parade of joy with six very adorable kids (including young Riley Delp in a newsboy hat, bow tie and Chuck Taylors). And of course you had the wonderful Missy Delp as the co-matron of honor and special music along with her sister Dana and Scott's sister, Julie. It was destined to be a perfect wedding.

Unfortunately, I missed about 95% of it.

You see, my job for the weekend was Riley duty. Because Missy was in the wedding party and singing at both the wedding and reception, she had a very busy (but FUN!!!) schedule from the time we got there until the time we left. My job was to make sure Riley got his naps and got to the church on time. Overall, I think I did a decent job however I am not nearly as good as Missy. I readily admit that.

Once Riley was done with his part in the parade of joy (with a little help from daddy), I sat him down in an open pew to take in the proceedings. However, unlike Missy, I was not prepared. I had no books. No toys. No pacie (how do you spell the short version of pacifier?). Nothing. So I busted out the Bible and started quietly reading from the first page I turned to - 2nd Chronicles. Unfortunately, about the time that Micaiah prophesies against Ahab (about 15 seconds in), Riley discovers that if he yells loud enough in church, it makes an echoey sound. So we had to get out.

Now my intention was to take to Riley back to where his pacifier and beloved Snoopy blanket were and leave him in the nursery with his cousin Scout while I snuck back into the service. However, when I got to the nursery, I discovered two high school girls, four kids playing and one REALLY upset baby. Baby Riley, can you do an impression of this child for me, please?

Thank you.
My initial thought was to wish them luck and take off. However, from the look on the one girl's face (it was similar to the face I have seen head coach Andy Reid have when the Eagles are on the goal line and he doesn't know what play to call but I digress), I knew she didn't know what to do and needed some help.

I offered a few suggestions - try the pacifier, try the bottle. I even tried the sssshhhhhhhhing that used to calm Riley down. Nothing worked. Then it hit me. That smell. I knew what was wrong. The dreaded poopy diaper. I told the girl that this child had a poopy diaper. Once again I read her face instantly and knew that there was only one person who was going to change this thing.

So, while Mel and Scott celebrated their blessed union on the happiest day of their lives less than 50 feet away, I changed a VERY poopy diaper from a child I knew nothing about other than his name was Cooper and he had the lung capacity of Pavoratti.

I spent the rest of the service rocking young Cooper and calming him down. Once he was settled and it was clear the service was over (parents started coming in and asking me how old this child was - I told them I had no idea which brought some concerned looks), I handed Cooper over to one of the girls. Instantly, Cooper's father showed up, scooped the boy into his arms, thanked the girls for their help and left.

It's funny. I really felt kind of bad about the whole thing for a while. I mean, yes I was there to watch Riley. But I wanted to be in that sanctuary. I wanted to see Mel and Scott get married. However, after some introspection and the voice of Godly reason via Missy, I realized that God had other plans. I was exactly where He wanted me to be. He wanted me to help those girls and that little boy more than He wanted me to be in that service. Even if I wanted the complete opposite.

That day, I was Jonah - the reluctant servant. You can read about him a few books after Chronicles.

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