Monday, April 28, 2008

The Greatest Privilege

I have known Steve for close to 20 years. We have been through a lot together. Ups and downs. He was the best man in my wedding. I was the best man in his. Our friendship has survived over time and distance. He is the person who, next to Missy, probably knows me the best.

I have prayed with Steve and for Steve. Over the past few years, our friendship has grown spiritually as well. We have had numerous talks about God, the Bible, who Jesus was and is. I have seen Steve grow spiritually by leaps and bounds. I have been amazed at the spiritual maturity he has shown already. Quite honestly, it has surpassed the spiritual maturity of some "lifelong" Christians that I know.

So when Steve asked me to baptize him a few weeks ago, my initial reaction was to get choked up. After I got off the phone with Steve, I cried. For me, this was one of the greatest privileges I could ever have. To baptize my closest friend.

So this past Sunday, I had that privilege. Aside from getting married and having a child, this was the most incredible thing I have been able to be a part of. I know that sounds heavy and deep. But I mean every word of it. To me, this was the culmination of a lifelong friendship. To play a part in this very important and life-changing event with someone I consider like a brother is something I will cherish the rest of my life.

1 comment:

Cap said...


Thank you. It means a lot.
