Wednesday, July 04, 2007

4th of July

Happy 4th of July everyone. I was watching TV this morning and they had a reporter in Afghanistan with the troops that are over there. It hit me then that while I sat in the comfort of my own house, holding my healthy happy son, there were thousands of people who could not have that privilege. They are in a foreign place risking their lives so I could watch TV, drink coffee, enjoy my family and not worry about a car exploding where I am working or having lunch.

Most of you will probably not read this on July 4th (which might be even better, it's easy to be patriotic on this day). If you read this, please take one minute to thank God that we have incredible men and women, moms and dads, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives living in places of the world we would never want to go, spending each day including the days we all have off of work, defending this great country so that we could go to BBQ's, watch fireworks and spend time with our family and friends.

So once again, Happy 4th of July everyone. We live in a great country. On behalf of myself and my family, I thank those who are fighting to keep it that way.

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