Saturday, June 02, 2007

A First Look at First Cousins

Can you tell I am a little behind in my blogging???

About a month ago, Missy's brother, his wife and their two kids, Luke and Abby came out to visit us. They also came to see Riley for the first time. It was the first time Riley had met his first cousins. Two days after they left, Missy's two sisters came in, one of them with her son Scout. Scout is the closest to Riley's age - they are about 3 months apart. As it stands right now, Riley has five first cousins. In a span of one week, he got to meet three of them.

While Riley didn't seem overly moved by the experience (other than being hungry and sleepy not too much gets this kid excited yet), I thought it was great to see him with his cousins. I have six first cousins. I have countless memories of playing with them as kids. Whether it be at holidays, during the summer or at family reunions, I loved the times I had with my first cousins. Now they are all (at least legally) adults. I have enjoyed great conversations with all of them about kids, marriage, jobs and life in general.

Those memories get me excited to see how Riley will connect with his cousins a few years down the road. I have visions of Riley being required to play house with Jamie, football with Charlie, trains with Luke, something that involves the color pink with Abby and with Scout - he is a little young yet but in seeing him so far, knowing his father and knowing Riley's father, I could see them getting involved in some sort of criminal activity. Look out Family Reunion 2016!!

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