Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day

When I think about Mother's Day, my first thought is of a video I made for my mom back in 1985 or so. I had this brilliant poem that I had just penned and I needed it to be immortalized forever. So I asked my grandfather to videotape me whilest I read this piece of literary brilliance aloud. There I stood, nappy Harry Potter hair, gap toothed (or maybe in that awkward adult front teeth/baby rest of the teeth stage) looking at the camera. Then I began to read in my falceto-like voice. I think I heard a dog howling in the background:

Roses are Red
A Dove is White
My Mom is Sweet
And so is her Love

Now, while that melted my mom's heart, I'm sure, I cannot help but look back on that poem and wonder why I inserted Line 2. My thought is that I was looking for something to rhyme with "love", however, I had yet to learn that the rhyming words come at the END of each line. So instead, I interjected with a sort of geology lesson - though I think doves are gray......I cannot remember the poem I wrote for Father's Day but I'm sure it started off something like:

I love My Dad
The Chinchilla is a Herbivore.....

Fortunately, that video has long since been lost. Otherwise, I'm sure I would have a cult following on YouTube.

This year, Mother's Day took on a whole new meaning for me. That's because Missy celebrated her first Mother's Day as a mom. In years past, I thought Mother's Day was a nice sweet day to make corny poems and give money to Hallmark. However, now I am strong proponent of having a Mother's Week. Or even Month. Watching Missy take care of Riley day (and night) in and day (and night) out. I have a new and tremendous appreciation for what moms do (and what my mom did). No amount of words or gifts or luncheons could express the appreciation and sincere awe I have for Missy as well as other moms who love and take care of their kids. Raising a child is a full time job where you take "breaks" in between their naps (like I am doing now). Not to take anything away from dads (heck, I'M a dad now) but a mother's job cannot be overappreciated, overpraised and overthanked. So to all the moms out there and specifically to the one who raised me and the one who is mom to my child, Happy Mother's Day. Oh and dolphins are mammals.


Anonymous said...

That wasn't a dog howling. That was me screaming b/c I was scared of the swing.

By the way, nice shout out to Cody. :)

Anonymous said...

Careful with your use of the term "nappy."