Saturday, January 31, 2009

Recently Overheard at the Delp Table.....

Riley has recently had an interest in taking a more active role during our pre-meal prayers. He used to just wait for us to say "Amen" and then yell "Amen" and explode into wild applause. Now he is giving prayer requests. Below is an account of a recent Delp family prayer:

Missy: OK, Riley, we are going to pray.
Missy: Yes, we are going to pray for Granmom, Pop and the food. Dear God, thank You for this day. Thank You that.....
Riley: MOMOM, POP!
Missy: Thank you for Granmom and Pop (my parents). Thank y.....
Missy: Yes, thank you for Jenna and Tracy (my sister and her husband). We also....
Missy: What? We also thank You for.....
Missy: Oh, yes. We thank You that they both have clocks....
Missy: And we thank you that their clocks go ding, ding, ding. We also thank You for the rest of our family and pray that they are doing well today.
Riley: FOO FOO!
Missy: We thank You for choo choo's (trains)
Riley: CAHS! CAHS!
Missy: And cars.
Missy: And trucks. Thank You for providing for our fam......
Riley: DUS! DUS!
Missy: And thank You for buses.
Riley: YEAH!
Missy: Thank you that Riley could have a good day at Sharon's (the woman who watches him once a week)
Missy: Yes and thank you for Baby Bah (Riley's name for a Baby Einstein video he would watch 100 times in a row if we let him). We thank You for this FOOD (emphasis on food so Riley knows we covered it in our prayer) and...
Missy: And we thank for police cars.
Missy: And fire trucks. We love you God. In Jesus name we pray, Ame....
Riley: AMEN!!!!!!

(Wild applause)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Another New Year

Where the heck has the time gone? I am pretty sure that January is the shortest month of the year not February. I have worked just over a full week in 2009 without taking any vacation time and we are pretty much halfway through the month. So let's get a quick review of the last month.

We celebrated Christmas here in PA with my family. Riley was more excited about watching the Wiggles than opening presents. That probably won't happen again. We then flew to Michigan to hang out with Missy's family. Riley loved the airplane and Morgan the cute flight attendant in particular (that's my boy). He had a blast playing with his cousins. He was always two steps behind them but had as big a smile on his face as I have ever seen. We flew back in the snow another highlight for Riley and spent New Year's with my family. We enjoyed a week of getting back to normal just in time to have a stomach virus ravage the Delp household this past weekend. It hit Missy and Riley at the same time. Now THAT was a fun Friday night/Saturday morning. It hit me Sunday morning. I watched the Eagles game buried under blankets in the fetal position.

And now here we are halfway through the first month of January 2009. This is the point where I share what my New Year's resolutions are. Well, I am not going to do that. Because I won't follow them. I never have. Ever. I have thought about taking up smoking just so I can quit as my New Year's resolution but do you know how expensive cigarettes are?

So instead I am going to remember what life was like a year ago. In January 2008:

-Riley was not walking (he is now sprinting)
-We were not homeowners (now we are figuring out how we want to replace our floors)
-Riley was not talking (he is now jabbering constantly, "No" is a particular favorite word of his)
-The Eagles were not in the playoffs (pause......let it sink in.......still can't believe it)
-The Phillies had not won a championship since I was 3. (again......pause.....)
-Missy and I had never been to Puerto Rico. (Now we have walked through a rainforest during a storm - one of the highlights of my year)
-Missy and I had never played Rock Band. (A life changing event if ever there was one)
-I had never grilled anything on my own grill. (I am hooked - I grilled a few weeks ago in the rain because I wanted to)
-I had never mowed my own lawn. (Don't love it quite as much as grilling)

Some things certain more momentous than others. However, it makes me look forward to 2009 and wonder what God has in store for me, for Missy, for Riley in 2009. I can't wait to find out.

Just not another family wide stomach virus. Please.