Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Riley's first Eagles game

So ever since Riley was born, I was counting the days until he could experience his first Eagles game. The highs, the lows - usually more lows than highs. My cousin Kyle even bought him a Donovan McNabb jersey to wear. The thought of he and I sitting in front of the TV (I know babies are not supposed to watch TV but this was educational and cultural and could be chalked up to family bonding) with our McNabb jerseys got me so excited. I felt like it was MY first Eagles game again.

So two Sundays ago, we got up and drove back to PA after a great weekend at our house on the Chesapeake Bay. We had just enough time to stop home and get our jersey and then head over to Granmom and Pop's (my parents') house to watch the Eagles kick off their season against the Green Bay Packers. I mean, if you are going to experience your first Eagles game, you might as well see in High Def, right? Uncle Tracy and aunt Jenna joined the fun to make the first game a true family experience.

So as the ball was kicked to start the Eagles regular season, Riley sat on my lap, transfixed by the beauty and wonder that is an Eagles game (or maybe it was just the bright colors). And the team, to their credit did not disappoint. Four of their first six plays involved penalties. One that didn't was a missed punt that the Packers jumped on in the end zone for a touchdown. Another was an interception by the Packers leading to a field goal. Five minutes into the game and the Eagles were down 10-0. Welcome to your first Eagles game, bud. After watching only a few minutes of the game and his dad, Riley officially became an Eagles fan. He was yelling and screaming and demanding that McNabb be traded and Andy Reid, the coach, be fired. That moment was captured in the picture below.
After several painful minutes, Riley lost interest and spent his time playing, drooling and watching his dad grow angrier and angrier.

In the end, the Eagles didn't disappoint. Two dropped punts led to enough points to lose the first game. So now that Riley has the sweet taste of underachievement, disappointment and pessimism towards a 16 week season, he is ready to be a true Eagles fan. And his daddy couldn't be any prouder,

Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Drought is Over

Six weeks and one day. That is how long it took to get internet in our house. People have decided murder trials in less time. People have met, fallen in love and gotten married in less time. WARS have begun and ended in less time. Somehow, someway, we managed to go six weeks in our new house without internet. 25% of Riley's life has passed since the last time we had internet. As you may be able to tell, I have not been too thrilled over some of the developments of the last, oh I don't know, SIX WEEKS AND ONE DAY!

However, despite all of that, we are so happy to be in our new place. We (specifically Missy, I watch Dirty Jobs on the Discovery Channel) has been busy organzing, sorting, painting and just generally settling in. There is still lots to do, of which I am mostly responsible for, but for the most part we have settled in. Riley seems to love his new pad. We have a pretty busy road out in front of our place and he loves watching the cars go by. That has been our new sedative for when he starts to get fussy. We just step out on our porch and watch the cars.

Once we officially own the house in early 2008, we will start some major work on the place. Between ourselves and my contractor father, we have plenty of thoughts of things we want to work on. By the time we are done all of them, Riley will be putting us in the retirement home and/or the poor house.

So anyway, we are in and are once again part of the 21st century. More blogs to come. If you are reading this, thank you for not assuming that I was never going to post again. For awhile I wasn't so sure. And now that Riley and the computer don't share the same room, more blogs should be coming. I just hope I am more diligent at blogging than I have been about hanging pictures.......

And here is a recent picture of Riley enjoying his new digs.